
When will we be allowed to travel again?

A question many of us are asking at this strange uncertain time.... we’re longing to be out on an adventure, needing the excitement and thrill of summiting that mountain, encountering wildlife you could only normally dream about, making new memories with your family, loved ones and friends with the thrill of an active adventure....

We at Adventure Alternative are very much feeling the above, but completely understand the need to stay at home and keep everyone safe, but we can dream and the best thing to do is to start planning our next adventure, perhaps it does not feel like this is possible at the moment, but it is so why not get your travel juices flowing?... Start planning your trip, this part is just as exciting as the adventure itself! Where will you go? What training will you need? All the what ifs and hows? Feeling excited already??!!! We have plenty of trips planned for the latter part of 2020 and are looking forward to 2021!!!



If you’re looking for a challenge, why not look at summiting that mountain you’ve always dreamt of;

Let’s explore Mount Kilimanjaro:

Mount Kilimanjaro

There are plenty of reasons why climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is on the bucket list of many adventurers.... for one it’s the highest free standing mountain in the world! It is also one of the worlds natural wonders, a snow covered mountain set almost on the equator. Mount Kilimanjaro is encompassed by lushious rainforest, which is surrounded by great plains of otherworldy animals. Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro you’ll experience a new adventure everyday, with it’s dramatic changes in vegetation and animal life, it’s high altitudes create habitat for unique life forms only found on a few other peaks on our planet, you will be rewarded with a breathtaking visual display! Are you getting excited about your next adventure? We have plenty of itineraries and dates to suit you, why not try our Machame Route; a seven day camping route for excellent acclimatisation and particulary diverse scenery. Then we have the Lemosho route which we offer a seven or eight day option, this route has a beautiful approach through the forest. Or you could try the Rongai route which starts on the north side, it has less visitors and tends to be drier than the others. Or you may have more time, so why not look at the Northern Circuit, it is a nine day trip on the mountain, where you will experience ascending the western Lemosho Route, circumnavigating the entire summit before joining up with the Rongai Route.

What could you discover in Nepal in late 2020, 2021?


Nepal is a destination on many adventurers list, it is renowned for its spectacular peaks, scenic backdrops, heritage buildings, monuments, temples and monasteries. You are spoilt for choice all year round in Nepal, from rafting, trekking to sightseeing and shopping. Nepal caters to all adventurers in all age groups. So if Nepal is on your bucket list we have plenty of holidays to offer in late 2020 and 2021. The Langtang trek is a great itinerary for people thinking about trekking in Nepal with their children. The days are not too demanding, the views and scenery are outstanding and the villages and people interesting and friendly. It's not too high, there are none of the precipitous bridges crossing torrents and gorges, it's not too busy as an area and it's close to Kathmandu.

Maybe you fancy something a little more adventurous? Why not consider our Gokyo Lakes Trek following the high route pass of Cho La into the Base Camp of Mount Everest. You would visit the turquoise Gokyo Lakes. Then following the Dudh Koshi river valley, which brings you to the bustling market town of Namche Bazaar offering you a great atmosphere whilst taking in the breathtaking mountain scenery.

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Gokyo Lakes


Or if its peaks you’re after then check out Island Peak at 6189m, or something less technical Mera Peak at 6476m. Or the challenging Three Peaks / Three Passes trek to Everest which encompasses the peaks of Chukkung Ri 5550m, Kala Pattar 5550m, Gokyo Ri 5385m, alongside the epic high passes of the Kongma la 5535m, Cho La 5420m and the Renjo pass at 5340m.

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Himalayan Peaks

These are just a few snippets of what we have to offer, we have so much more for you to explore, Mount Aconcagua for the more experienced Climber in February 2021 and for the more relaxed adventure who wants to slow down their pace of life and soak up the wildlife Borneo, or Tanzania has lot’s to offer in late 2020 and 2021.

Now’s the time to really plan your adventure of a lifetime!

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