Andrew MacDonald
Our Trip Leaders
Andy MacDonald has worked for Adventure Alternative since 2002 and he specializes in the Kenya and Morocco trips and all the medical electives and volunteering trips. He is especially interested in the school trips we run.
After University, Andy worked in the outdoor retail industry and ended up as manager of a large outdoor store in Belfast, and at the same time coming on expeditions with Adventure Alternative as a co-leader until he eventually started working full time as a trip leader and a consultant.
Andy is also a founding Trustee of Moving Mountains and has been closely involved with all of the programmes and projects right from the start. He is currently the Treasurer of the Trust and spends a lot of time managing the accounting and budgets for the charity.
Andy lives in Portstewart and has volunteered as a Scout leader, using his experiences to inspire other young people and take them on the type of trips that shaped his life when he was younger. He has lived in Kenya and is now living in Northern Ireland with his wife Verah and two children.